MILLECENTENARIUMÉrtékorientált magyar kommunikáció a harmadik évezred küszöbén1996/IIIThese pages deal with a correspondence of Hungarians, celebrating the 1100th anniversary of the foundation of their homeland in Central Europe. It was a.d. 896 under their legendary leader Árpád. 100 years later, king St Stephen, also member of Árpád's dynasty, introduced the Hungarians in the christian community of Europe. It was his vision, that only christianity could create the necessary conditions for peaceful coexistence of different nations and cultures in that region.The language of this correspondence is mainly Hungarian. An extensive English review of the background of the Mille-centenary Celebrations is avaiable. Feszty's famous painting on the the Hungarian Settlement can be accessed here .
Árpád's monument, erected for the Millenary celebrations in 1896 at Ópusztaszer/Hungary | A Milleneum alkalmából 1896-ban állított Árpád emlékmű Ópusztaszeren |